Expo 2020 Dubai Inside Out

Come può un villaggio di pescatori diventare in 50 anni uno dei poli commerciali ed economici più moderni al mondo e con straordinari livelli di innovazione?

Expo 2020 Dubai sarà un’esperienza irripetibile, il più grande evento mai visto che ospiterà oltre 190 Paesi partecipanti e 25 milioni di visitatori provenienti da tutto il mondo. Sarà possibile apprezzare la calorosa ospitalità degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, oltre che scoprire il tessuto economico e sociale di Dubai e le sue strategie di innovazione.

Connecting Minds, Creating the Future è il tema di Expo 2020 Dubai, il cui obiettivo è costruire partnership ed ispirare nuove idee che cambino il mondo di domani. I tre sottotemi Sustainability, Mobility e Opportunity saranno i pilastri essenziali per guidarci nell’esplorazione di questa esposizione universale.

Disegna il tuo percorso a Dubai con noi! Crea la tua esperienza con noi e visita Dubai in 3, 5 o 7 giorni! Scopri le nostre proposte e scegli ciò che fa per te.

Clicca qui per scoprire di più!


Sport Home: services for athletes’ village and accommodation systems

Are you organizing a sports event?

Village strongly believes in the importance of sport, and works constantly to promote sports culture and sport education and supports the organization of large and small sports events.
Village will stand by you in the organization of your sports event, taking care of the hospitality of athletes and your staff throughout their stay, thanks to its important know-how in temporary accommodation for international youth and sports events and its human-centered approach.

Make Everywhere Home” is our slogan and we make this a reality for each and every sports event.

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Expo Home: services for Expo Village, accommodation and multicultural systems

If you are involved in organizing an Expo, Village could be your perfect partner thanks to its extensive know-how of temporary accommodation for international, youth and sport events, with a management model that gives soul to the residential area through its human-centered approach.

Make Everywhere Home” is our slogan and we would like to make this a reality for each and every Expo event.

Discover more!

Stand by me: Village organizes your away game in Europe


Village’s Sport Division launches a new product, dedicated to Youth teams: Stand by me!

Does the thought of offering your Youth Team a unique experience away from home interest you?

Village stands by your side taking care of educational and logistical aspects to organize your away game abroad or to make  your Youth team live an international scrimmage in Europe.

Discover all the details!